La famiglia Savage |
Un film di Tamara Jenkins.
Con Laura Linney, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Philip Bosco, Peter Friedman, Gbenga Akinnagbe.
Titolo originale The Savages.
durata 113 min.
- USA 2007.
- 20th Century Fox Italia
uscita venerdì 25 gennaio 2008.
La famiglia Savage
valutazione media:
recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.
Peter Travers
Rolling Stone
Given the subject matter — caring for an aging parent — The Savages is damn funny, as long as you don't mind laughs that stick in your throat. The gifted Tamara Jenkins, making her first film since her potent 1998 debut with Slums of Beverly Hills, brews a volatile cocktail of mirth and melancholy. Jon Savage (Philip Seymour Hoffman) and his sister Wendy (Laura Linney) have first names out of Peter Pan, but their life is no fairy tale. [...]
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