City of Men

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Un film di Paulo Morelli. Con Darlan Cunha, Douglas Silva, Jonathan Haagensen, Eduardo BR, Rodrigo dos Santos.
Titolo originale Cidade dos Homens. Drammatico, durata 110 min. - Brasile 2007.

Fathers and Sons in Gloom Above Rio’s Sunny Beaches

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

The most disquieting moment in “City of Men,” a rootin’-tootin’ gangster movie shot in the notoriously lawless shantytowns overlooking the beaches of Rio de Janeiro, is also the most subdued. Acerola, a k a Ace (Douglas Silva), an 18-year-old still carrying baby fat, admits that he is frightened and unprepared to care for his infant son as his wife, Cris (Camila Monteiro), leaves to find work in São Paulo. Although Ace loves his little boy, he is only a child in a man’s body himself, and he begs her not to go. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (4616 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 29 Febbraio 2008

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