Chapter 27

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The film paints a straightforward but creepy picture of Mark David Chapman

di Michael Phillips The Los Angeles Times

People who don't like "Chapter 27," an undeniably clammy little picture, really, really don't like it. It's a small achievement, more like a filmed play than a fully conceived film, but I found writer-director Jarrett Schaefer's fly-on-the-wall treatment of the last three days of Mark David Chapman's obscurity a rather sly portrait in bland dementia.
Jared Leto gained 67 pounds to play John Lennon's assassin, which in itself is interesting for about three seconds. Lindsay Lohan co-stars in a smallish role as Jude (she really was named Jude, for the record), one of the many nonpsychotic Lennon stalkerazzi hanging around West 72nd Street in front of the Dakota. [...]

di Michael Phillips, articolo completo (2546 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 4 aprile 2008

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