Self Medicated


A Teenager in Search of a Soul

di Jeannette Catsoulis The New York Times

“Self-Medicated” opens with a very clever fake-out, as innocent pedestrians on the Las Vegas Strip are randomly fired at in what appears to be a drive-by shooting. The scene is energetic and ominously gripping: qualities that the movie unfortunately fails to sustain.
Based on the experiences of Monty Lapica (who wrote the movie, directed it and played the lead at 24), “Self-Medicated” records the self-destructive behavior of 17-year-old Andrew Eriksen, whose pain over the death of his father manifests itself in a flirtation with the bong and the bottle. [...]

di Jeannette Catsoulis, articolo completo (1433 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times

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