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Equal-Pay Agitator Meets the New Her

di Patrick Healy The New York Times

AS Violet Newstead, the coffee-poisoning, corpse-stealing, boss-kidnapping office supervisor in the hit 1980 movie “9 to 5,” Lily Tomlin did just about everything except sing and dance. But now those tasks (in addition to the coffee poisoning, corpse stealing and boss-napping) have fallen to Allison Janney, the Emmy-winning actress who is playing Violet in the new musical version of “9 to 5,” which opens on Broadway Thursday.
The two Violets met on a recent Saturday evening in Ms. Janney’s dressing room to compare notes on the character, who emerged during the Reagan era as a symbol for women seeking equal treatment in the workplace. [...]

di Patrick Healy, articolo completo (5947 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times

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  1° | angelo cicchetti
Rassegna stampa
Patrick Healy
Premio Oscar (1)
Golden Globes (2)

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