Napa Valley - La grande annata

Un film di Randall Miller. Con Alan Rickman, Chris Pine, Bill Pullman, Rachael Taylor, Freddy Rodriguez.
Titolo originale Bottle Shock. Drammatico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 110 min. - USA 2008.

A nonvintage 'Bottle Shock'

di Michael Ordoña The Los Angeles Times

Remember how silly it was that "Searching for Bobby Fischer" tried to make chess exciting by ratcheting up the sound effects as the players slammed their pieces down? Well, perhaps "Bottle Shock" could have used something as absurd to make wine tasting seem interesting. Set primarily in the Napa Valley of the 1970s, "Bottle Shock" tries to involve the viewer in the Miracle on Ice of the wine world, in which upstart California vintages faced off against dominant French varieties in a blind taste test. [...]

di Michael Ordoña, articolo completo (1258 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 6 agosto 2008

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Michael Ordoña
A. O. Scott
Rassegna stampa
Peter Travers
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