The Children of Huang Shi


A callow journalist is diverted to saving orphans in 'The Children of Huang Shi,' with Jonathan Rhys Meyers

di Carina Chocano The Los Angeles Times

A decadent, exotic city, the brink of war, the sweep of history, a gang of scruffy urchins, the lips and eyes of Jonathan Rhys Meyers -- these are the main ingredients in Roger Spottiswoode's "The Children of Huang Shi," a small-scale, would-be epic about an inexperienced British journalist whose accidental arrival in Japanese-occupied Nanking leads to the heroic rescue of 60 Chinese orphans.
Based -- I have no idea how closely -- on a true story, the movie begins in the glittering Shanghai of the 1930s shortly before the Japanese invasion and ends thousands of miles away in the mountains of Liu Pan Shan on the edge of the Mongolian desert. [...]

di Carina Chocano, articolo completo (3082 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 23 maggio 2008

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