Il Corpo della Sposa - Flesh Out

Un film di Michela Occhipinti. Con Verida Beitta Ahmed Deiche, Amal Saad Bouh Oumar, Aichetou Abdallahi Najim, Sidi Mohamed Chinghaly.
Titolo originale Flesh Out. Drammatico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 94 min. - Italia 2019. - Lucky Red uscita sabato 4 maggio 2019. MYMONETRO Il Corpo della Sposa - Flesh Out * * * 1/2 - valutazione media: 3,60 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

David Rooney

The Hollywood Reporter

The protagonist's grandmother in Flesh Out tells the unhappy bride-to-be that she has it easy compared with the old days, when Mauritanian women were plumped up for marriage during a single night in a tent in the desert; they would ingest an entire roast goat and drink 16 liters of milk, and were forced to keep on swallowing anything they threw up. The old woman's sister died during such a ritual. In order to achieve the full-figured voluptuousness considered desirable by men, Verida has the relative luxury of three months to gain 20 kilos, eating 10 meals a day of couscous with fatty camel meat and milk until her wedding to a man chosen by her parents. [...]

di David Rooney, articolo completo (4420 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Hollywood Reporter 13 febbraio 2019

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