Repo! The Genetic Opera!


Opera With Heart (Also Spleen, Liver and Entrails)

di Dave Itzkoff The New York Times

IN the “Saw” horror movies that he has worked on, Darren Lynn Bousman has unflinchingly subjected his characters to excruciating tortures. He has burned them alive, frozen them to death and crushed their skulls in spiky, Venus flytraplike headgear. But what really turns his stomach are movie musicals.
“Anything that breaks into song, where they're talking, talking, talking, and then there's a big show number,” Mr. Bousman said, “that I can't handle.”
But after writing the screenplay that became “Saw II” ($87 million at the domestic box office in 2005) and directing that film as well as the franchise's third and fourth installments (which earned $80 million and $63 million, respectively), Mr. [...]

di Dave Itzkoff, articolo completo (7797 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 7 Novembre 2008

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Dave Itzkoff
Mark Olsen
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Nathan Lee
Peter Travers
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