Change of Plans


Ten people gather for a Parisian dinner party. Emotional chaos ensues. Then things are brought to order in this romantic comedy by French director Daničle Thompson.

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

When 10 people who don't really know each other show up at a dinner party, it's initially difficult to tell everyone apart. That's what happens at the start of "Change of Plans," a tasty French romantic comedy diversion with just a touch of seriousness thrown into the mix. Director Daniele Thompson, who co-wrote with her actor son Christopher, soon brings order out of chaos and pulls everyone and everything into focus. By the time this lightly entertaining look at life's emotional crises ends, even the characters you didn't think were sympathetic will have won you over. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (3502 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 29 ottobre 2010

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