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Michael Madsen stars as a battered, corrupt officer in an unoriginal, fast-paced cop movie

di Bob Baker The Los Angeles Times

On first blush, "Vice" should have been titled "Not Another Cop Movie." All the predictable hallmarks are here: Cops and drug-dealing gang members spew F-bombs and N-bombs and kill one another gratuitously. They mutter corny insights like, "I'm close to the edge." Cornered, they turn on their own. It feels like you're playing "Grand Theft Auto."
But in walks Michael Madsen, he of "Reservoir Dogs" and "Kill Bill," as vice cop Max Walker, and suddenly the game has a soul worth saving. [...]

di Bob Baker, articolo completo (1760 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 9 maggio 2008

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Andy Webster
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