Tokyo Sonata

Un film di Kiyoshi Kurosawa. Con Teruyuki Kagawa, Kyôko Koizumi, Yû Koyanagi, Inowaki Kai, Haruka Igawa.
Titolo originale Tôkyô sonata. Drammatico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 119 min. - Giappone, Hong Kong, Paesi Bassi 2008.

This Time, the Horror’s in the Normality

di Terrence Rafferty The New York Times

THE people in Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s movies never look as though they’re getting enough sleep. It’s not just the vacant stares, the bags under the eyes, the 5 o’clock (in the morning) shadows. It’s also the way they move, slowly, warily, as if the effort to remain alert were the most enormous and most burdensome task imaginable, and the temptation to surrender consciousness were becoming too powerful to resist. They do resist, though, most of them, because they know — it’s written in the lines on their faces — that their sleep will not be restful: where their waking life leaves off, bad dreams begin. [...]

di Terrence Rafferty, articolo completo (7837 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 6 marzo 2009

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