The Family That Preys

Un film di Tyler Perry. Con Kathy Bates, Alfre Woodard, Tyler Perry, Cole Hauser, Sanaa Lathan.
Commedia, Ratings: Kids+13, - USA 2008.

Tyler Perry refused to screen his new film for reviewers. Too bad. He would have gotten some great press

di Bob Baker The Los Angeles Times

Memo to: Tyler Perry
Re: "The Family That Preys"
Dude, what made you refuse to screen your film for critics before it opened Friday? I'm betting you would have received an earful of praise for your writing and directing. Praise for the sweet relationship between Alfre Woodard and Kathy Bates as mothers occasionally shamed by their children. Praise for making venality your dominant theme without falling into the ditch of soap opera. Praise for constructing characters whose yearning for more rings true. [...]

di Bob Baker, articolo completo (1989 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 15 settembre 2008

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Bob Baker
Stephen Holden
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