The Family That Preys

Un film di Tyler Perry. Con Kathy Bates, Alfre Woodard, Tyler Perry, Cole Hauser, Sanaa Lathan.
Commedia, Ratings: Kids+13, - USA 2008.

Money Isn’t Everything When Values Are at Stake

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

The suds that cascade through “Tyler Perry’s The Family That Preys” more than equal the cubic footage from nighttime soaps like “Dallas,” “Dynasty” and their offspring. As the movie proceeds, the flow quickens into a surging flood tide of recriminations and reversals in which blows are exchanged, claws bared and tears shed.
Produced, written and directed by Mr. Perry, a one-man industry serving a niche audience that is primarily African-American, “The Family That Preys” doesn’t worry about how it gets from A to Z. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (2904 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 13 Settembre 2008

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Bob Baker
Stephen Holden
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