
Un film di Julian M. Kheel. Con Aysan Çelik, Michael Cecchi, Jonathan Hova, muMs da Schemer, Barney Cheng, Nick Kroll, Todd Barry, Brett Halsey, Daniel Stewart Sherman.
Azione, - USA 2008.

Three Crooked Gangs, See How They Bumble

di Mike Hale The New York Times

Simultaneously channeling Scorsese, Jarmusch and Wayans, the first-time feature director Julian Mark Kheel films each story line of his indie comedy “The Brooklyn Heist” in a different mode. As three bumbling gangs of crooks plan to hit the same pawnshop on the same night, the old friends from the neighborhood are shot “Mean Streets” style, the buppie gangsters appear in mock rap videos and the solemn Chechnyan siblings perform in art-house black and white. [...]

di Mike Hale, articolo completo (1353 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 27 Novembre 2009

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