Youth in Revolt

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There's not much here, but at least Michael Cera and company deliver some laughs in this long-on-the-shelf comedy.

di Michael Phillips The Los Angeles Times

"Youth in Revolt" isn't bad -- the cast is too good for it to be bad -- but archly comic coming-of-age fables are tricky things, and this adaptation of the first three C.D. Payne stories about an Oakland teenager's improbable life, times, fantasies and picaresque sexual adventures does not precisely feel like This Year's Stuff. Still, I laughed a fair bit. That's no ringing endorsement, but it's January. The movie seems like a rerelease somehow. Partly, it's timing and how long the picture has been on the shelf. [...]

di Michael Phillips, articolo completo (2475 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 8 gennaio 2010

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