The September Issue

Un film di R.J. Cutler. Con Anna Wintour Documentario, durata 90 min. - USA 2009.

Documentary goes behind the scenes at Anna Wintour's empire at one of the world's top fashion mags.

di Sheri Linden The Los Angeles Times

"Girlie heaven!" actress Sienna Miller exclaims, stepping into the Times Square digs of Vogue for her stint as cover girl. "The September Issue," a slight, if often riveting, behind-the-scenes documentary, is equally awed by the office's racks of haute couture. But beyond the cutting-edge froufrou, the film is also a portrait of unapologetic girlie power: smart, talented, competitive women working hard at their jobs, beginning with the famously inscrutable and perfectly coiffed Anna Wintour, the magazine's editor in chief for 20 years. [...]

di Sheri Linden, articolo completo (3029 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 11 settembre 2009

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