Quel che resta di mio marito

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Un film di Christopher N. Rowley. Con Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, Joan Allen, Tom Skerritt, Christine Baranski.
Titolo originale Bonneville. Commedia, durata 93 min. - USA 2008. - Teodora Film uscita venerdì 17 ottobre 2008. MYMONETRO Quel che resta di mio marito * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,74 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari. Acquista »

Open Country for Women of a Certain Age

di Matt Zoller Seitz The New York Times

The synopsis of “Bonneville” makes it sound like “Thelma and Louise” in first gear: A recent widow named Arvilla Holden (Jessica Lange) and her two best friends, Carol and Margene (Joan Allen and Kathy Bates), hit the road in Idaho in a 1966 Pontiac convertible to deliver an urn full of ashes to a funeral in Santa Barbara, Calif., bickering, bonding and facing hard truths along the way.
The 50-something leads and meandering pace distinguish “Bonneville” from other movies of its type. But the film’s most striking characteristic comes to the fore when the women pick up a hunky young hitchhiker named Bo (Victor Rasuk). [...]

di Matt Zoller Seitz, articolo completo (3110 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 29 Febbraio 2008

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venerdì 17 ottobre 2008
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