Rudo y Cursi

Un film di Carlos Cuarón. Con Diego Luna, Gael García Bernal, Jessica Mas, Adriana Paz, Axel Ricco, Fermín Martínez.
Commedia, - Messico 2008.

Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna tackle soccer stardom and sibling rivalry in Carlos Cuarón's drama-comedy

di Robert Abele The Los Angeles Times

Mexico has had its share of debilitating transnational news lately, but the arrival of the puckishly entertaining, fleet-of-foot drama-comedy "Rudo y Cursi" deserves a hearty welcome. The story of close-but-competitive brothers seeking personal glory in professional soccer, it marks the directorial debut of Alfonso Cuarón's younger brother Carlos -- the pair wrote (and Alfonso directed) the nimbly sexy "Y Tu Mamá También" -- and reveals a family steeped in filmmaking talent.
On-screen, however, it's the twin gifts of goal-scoring and goalkeeping that connects village siblings Beto (Diego Luna) -- whose hard-edged personality earns him the sobriquet "Rudo" (or "tough") -- and Tato (Gael García Bernal), nicknamed "Cursi" ("corny") for his open-hearted playing style. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (2578 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 8 maggio 2009

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