Everlasting Moments

Un film di Jan Troell. Con Maria Heiskanen, Mikael Persbrandt, Jesper Christensen, Emil Jensen, Ghita Nørby.
Titolo originale Maria Larssons eviga ögonblick. Drammatico, durata 131 min. - Danimarca, Finlandia, Norvegia, Svezia, Germania 2008.

With the World Changing Fast, Finding a Vision of Self in a Camera

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

Jan Troell’s “Everlasting Moments” is a film whose title gives a clue about the kind of mood it wants to create. Set in Sweden in the early decades of the 20th century, this movie unspools at a leisurely, episodic pace, dwelling on the details of domestic life with a care that is both naturalistic and nostalgic. From the start, a narrator’s voice establishes that this is a daughter’s reminiscence of her parents’ long, often painful marriage, and her wistful, elegiac recollections extend to the film’s visual texture, its brownish hues and grainy, wintry sunlight. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (3298 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 6 marzo 2009

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