Balls of Fury

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Seeking Glory, and Fighting Evil, With a Paddle

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

The last movie I saw before I went on vacation was “Hot Rod,” about a tall, skinny loser who dreams of rising to glory as a stuntman. The first movie I saw upon my return was “Balls of Fury,” about a short, stubby loser who seeks glory in the world of competitive Ping-Pong. It’s like I never left!
And while I have nothing against either film — aside from the fact that they’re both terrible — I do have one request. Can summer please be over now?
“Balls of Fury” is raunchier and somewhat more imaginative than “Hot Rod,” and it will be must viewing for Christopher Walken completists who have mislaid their special collector’s edition DVD of “The Country Bears. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (2190 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 209 agosto 2007

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A. O. Scott
Isabelle Regnier
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