The People i'Ve Slept With

Un film di Quentin Lee. Con Chris Zylka, Wilson Cruz, Archie Kao, James Shigeta, Kelly Nienaltowski.
Titolo originale The People I've Slept With. Commedia, durata 89 min. - USA 2010.

Having fun and facing consequences, director Quentin Lee continues to explore the Asian American experience in this saucy comedy that deftly turns serious.

di Kevin Thomas The Los Angeles Times

Director Quentin Lee continues to explore the Asian American experience in his fourth feature, "The People I've Slept With," a saucy comedy that deftly turns serious. As in such films as "Shopping for Fangs," which took an amused look at sex and materialism in upscale suburbia, and "Ethan Mao," in which a gay youth copes with his ultra-traditional, homophobic family, Lee finds the universal in the particular: You don't have to be Asian to identify with his people and their predicaments. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (1590 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 27 agosto 2010

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