The Hottie and the Nottie


Sam Adams

The Los Angeles Times

It's not like Paris Hilton to rise above her material, but "The Hottie and the Nottie" sinks so low that all she has to do is stand upright. Cast (it must be said, against type) as chaste, self-effacing beauty Cristabel Abbott, Hilton convincingly breaks with her public persona, which is good news for her acting coach but not for the movie's prospects, since there is little evidence that Hilton's fans want to see her playing anything other than herself.
The nottie to Hilton's hottie is her lifelong best friend, June Phigg (Christine Lakin), a snarling deterrent to would-be suitors, or, as one puts it, the "hideous dragon" at the castle gates. [...]

di Sam Adams, articolo completo (2296 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 8 febbraio 2008

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Sam Adams
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Peter Travers
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