Talk to Me

Un film di Kasi Lemmons. Con Don Cheadle, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Cedric the Entertainer, Taraji P. Henson, Mike Epps.
Biografico, durata 118 min. - USA 2007. - DNC Entertainment

The Ready Return of a True Believer

di Sharon Waxman The New York Times

WITH her freckles, long, blond dreadlocks, deep brown eyes and white cotton smock, the filmmaker Kasi Lemmons, 46, looks as sunny and fresh-faced as when she made her first feature, Eve's Bayou, a decade ago. One of the few African-American female directors working in Hollywood, Ms. Lemmons — who is married to the actor-director Vondie Curtis-Hall — has now made Talk to Me, the true story of Ralph Waldo Greene, known as Petey, a charismatic ex-convict who became a Washington radio personality and street activist in the turbulent 1960s. [...]

di Sharon Waxman, articolo completo (5756 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 8 Luglio 2007

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Sharon Waxman
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Sasha Carnevali
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