Ping Pong Playa

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Un film di Jessica Yu. Con Jimmy Tsai, Roger Fan, Martin Chow, Andrew Wo, Khary Payton.
Ragazzi, Ratings: Kids+13, - USA 2007.

Hip-Hop With Paddles

di Nathan Lee The Village Voice

A race-based comedy with a mischievous, post-race sensibility, “Ping Pong Playa” mines hip-hop comedy gold from the least gangsta context imaginable: the assimilated Chinese-Americans of suburban California.
As Christopher Wang, the underachieving son of Ping-Pong entrepreneurs, Jimmy Tsai gently but hilariously burlesques hip-hop as a youth culture lingua franca. On the surface this is a matter of swagger and slang (“what up, my ninja?!”), but there’s a deeper, touching acknowledgment of braggadocio as persona, how the commodified dissent of hip-hop lends itself to masking insecurities. [...]

di Nathan Lee, articolo completo (1497 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Village Voice 5 Settembre 2008

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Sheri Linden
Rassegna stampa
Nathan Lee
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