Due uomini e mezzo

Un film di Lee Aronsohn, Chuck Lorre. Con Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer, Angus T. Jones, Conchata Ferrell, Holland Taylor.
Formato Serie TV, Titolo originale Two and a half men. Comico, durata 30 min. - USA 2003.

Success Softens the Show Runner

di Edward Wyatt The New York Times

ARMS folded, brow furrowed and lips pursed in a stubborn scowl, Chuck Lorre is sitting in a canvas-back chair on Stage 26 on the Warner Brothers lot here, staring into the distance as Jon Cryer and Kelly Stables rehearse a lovers’ quarrel from a coming episode of “Two and a Half Men.”
The pose is vintage Chuck Lorre: tightly wound, with a roiling intensity that appears to presage an angry outburst. Yet as the scene ends with the actors making a slapdash exit off a patio, Mr. Lorre lets out a cackling laugh. [...]

di Edward Wyatt, articolo completo (8617 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 20 Settembre 2009

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Edward Wyatt
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