Hell Ride


It’s Not About the Bike? Try Telling These Lifers

di Rachel Saltz The New York Times

“Hell Ride,” a silly slice of genre gone bad, takes place in an American desert populated by middle-aged bikers and the nubile, often topless young women who love them. The guys, who have names like Pistolero and the Gent (he wears a tuxedo, see), ride around brawling and posturing and pretending they’re in better movies.
A jumble of influences, “Hell Ride” borrows its jump-around-in-time structure and absurdist wordplay from Quentin Tarantino (who apparently doesn’t hold a grudge; he’s credited as executive producer) and its sense of empty spaces and hovering doom from Sergio Leone. [...]

di Rachel Saltz, articolo completo (1437 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 8 Agosto 2008

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