Stanlio e Ollio |
Un film di Jon S. Baird.
Con Steve Coogan, John C. Reilly, Nina Arianda, Shirley Henderson.
Titolo originale Stan & Ollie.
Ratings: Kids,
durata 97 min.
- USA, Gran Bretagna 2018.
- Lucky Red
uscita mercoledì 1 maggio 2019.
Stanlio e Ollio ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Laurel and Hardy, a Double Act as Romance
di Jason Zinoman The New York Times
Replace flirtation and sex with pratfalls and comic repartee and "Stan & Ollie" is a heartstrings-yanking Hollywood romance.
Portraying the final days of the remarkable partnership of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, the greatest double act in the history of movies, the tightly focused narrative finds these comedians past their prime, not just in their career but also in their relationship. (They are on a theater tour to raise money for a film comeback.) Like a married couple that stopped fighting long ago, their exchanges hint at buried resentments, muffled irritations and an abiding love. [...]
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