Stanlio e Ollio

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You almost won't recognize Steve Coogan and John C. Reilly in this delightful homage to Laurel and Hardy

di Ann Hornaday The Washington Post

"Stan & Ollie," a generous, warmhearted film about the legendary comic duo of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, begins on a graceful, amusingly self-referential note. The film opens in 1937, in a dressing room where the team prepares for their next scene together, trading anecdotes about ex-wives, alimony woes, Oliver's latest gambling trip to Tijuana and the mundane details of salaries and contracts. From there, the camera follows the two through a studio back lot to a busy soundstage, an exercise in high technique that not only proves director Jon S. [...]

di Ann Hornaday, articolo completo (4507 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Washington Post 16 gennaio 2019

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mercoledì 1 maggio 2019
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