Stanlio e Ollio

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A love letter to cinema's odd couple

di Mark Kermode The Guardian

Like the comedy greats to whom this winningly warm film pays tribute, Jon S Baird's affectionate drama balances humour and pathos, laughter and tears. Set in Laurel and Hardy's twilight years, it's more melancholy love story than slapstick showbiz reminiscence. Philomena co-writer Jeff Pope's inventive script (inspired by AJ Marriot's factual account of Stan and Ollie's post-war British theatre tours) paints the performers as an odd couple, professionally joined at the hip yet sometimes separated at the heart. [...]

di Mark Kermode, articolo completo (4746 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Guardian 13 gennaio 2019

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mercoledì 1 maggio 2019
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