Today's Special


Kevin Thomas

The Los Angeles Times

Directed with verve by David Kaplan from Aasif Mandvi and Jonathan Bines' exceptional screenplay, "Today's Special" stars Mandvi as a sous-chef at a Manhattan restaurant whose plans to head to Paris for further culinary study are derailed after his father suffers a heart attack and he must take over the family restaurant in Queens. Imaginative, warm and witty, the film, inspired by Mandvi's prize-winning play "Sakina's Restaurant," is an irresistible delight, its theatrical roots vanishing amid a gracefully cinematic evocation of life in Jackson Heights, a venerable Queens neighborhood with an inviting human scale and grand rooftop vistas of the New York skyline. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (2140 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 19 novembre 2010

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