The Company Men

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The obsessive 'Company Men' has a great cast at the service of a so-so movie.

di Michael Phillips The Los Angeles Times

A single spontaneous moment pops up in the otherwise obsessively well-ordered ensemble drama "The Company Men," written and directed by "ER" and "West Wing" alum John Wells. It's a quick shot in a hotel room tryst of Maria Bello bopping back into frame with a wolfish grin on her face as her character — a corporate layoff specialist — bids farewell to her lover, a high-flying but soul-corroded executive played by Tommy Lee Jones. The actors in this tale of recessionary morals, ethics and consequences are all very good: Ben Affleck as Bobby, the central figure, struggling with a grim job market and plummeting self-esteem; Rosemarie DeWitt, terrific in "Rachel Getting Married" and on "Mad Men," as the nurse married to Bobby; and Kevin Costner as Jack Dolan, Bobby's brother-in-law. [...]

di Michael Phillips, articolo completo (2603 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 10 dicembre 2010

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