The Winning Season


Sheri Linden

The Los Angeles Times

An air of déjà vu hangs over "The Winning Season," the story of a sad sack who takes the helm of a ragtag, losing basketball team and gets a shot at redemption. But if the Indiana-set comedy evokes " Hoosiers," "The Bad News Bears" and countless other sports movies, not to mention storytelling clichés, it also has at its center the singular and underappreciated Sam Rockwell. Divorced and hangdog, complete with cluttered apartment decorated in Early Drab, Rockwell's Bill is a onetime b-ball coach who is bussing tables when his second chance arrives. [...]

di Sheri Linden, articolo completo (2253 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 3 settembre 2010

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