Trailer Park Boys: The Movie


Comedy on Wheels

di Jeannette Catsoulis The New York Times

“Trailer Park Boys: The Movie” is like a feature-length version of the television sitcom “My Name Is Earl,” only Canadian — and not funny.
Set in the fictional Sunnyvale trailer park and based on an award-winning cable television show, the movie follows the exploits of three aging bottom feeders and their small circle of enablers. There’s Ricky (Robb Wells), a fast-talking fabulist with Elvis hair and a sticky-fingered daughter, Trinity (Lydia Lawson-Baird); Julian (John Paul Tremblay), a stoic drunk fixated on stealing large amounts of loose change; and the myopic Bubbles (Mike Smith), a helpless man-child whose kitten-infested shack is facing much-needed demolition. [...]

di Jeannette Catsoulis, articolo completo (1503 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 25 gennaio 2008

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