The Strip


A Devoted Worker in a Dead-End Job

di Jeannette Catsoulis The New York Times

As depressing as the résumés of its 9-to-5 characters, “The Strip” sweats to wring laughs from overworked themes and underwhelming performances.
Centering on the disenchanted employees of a strip-mall electronics store — “Clerks” with DVD players — the movie presents a believably sterile, soul-sucking environment. Perhaps too believable: the uniform khakis, colorless location and dispiriting dearth of customers blanket the film in a boredom that the script (by the director, Jameel Khan) never quite penetrates. [...]

di Jeannette Catsoulis, articolo completo (1678 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 4 dicembre 2009

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