The September Issue

Un film di R.J. Cutler. Con Anna Wintour Documentario, durata 90 min. - USA 2009.

Imbedded at Vogue, Trying a Charm Offensive

di Eric Konigsberg The New York Times

Of all the fierce, glamourpuss ladies he met while shooting “The September Issue,” his documentary about the inner workings of Vogue magazine, the filmmaker R. J. Cutler found one especially intimidating: an Englishwoman who has spent decades on a high rung of the masthead. She is a well-connected former model and an editor of extraordinary taste known both for her influence on the fashion industry and the terror her aloofness can bring about in people who get on her bad side.
“She’s capable of being very scary,” Mr. [...]

di Eric Konigsberg, articolo completo (6807 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 23 Agosto 2009

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