The Box

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Too bad Norma and Arthur didn't leave it on the porch. Richard Kelly's latest is no 'Donnie Darko.' The morality tale is fractured, foolish and slow as molasses.

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

Have you ever actually tried watching paint dry? A sloth walk? Grass grow? You can have all the "thrills" with none of the chills courtesy of "The Box," the painfully sluggish new sci-fi morality play from "Donnie Darko" creator Richard Kelly. It's as if its stars, Cameron Diaz and James Marsden as the financially strapped yuppie couple Norma and Arthur, were on a continuous, prime time-mandated 10-second delay. Think I'm exaggerating? Here's an example (with footnotes). Arthur: "Do you know that guy?" (That would be Frank Langella as the mysterious man in a greatcoat, bowler hat and half a face who delivers the "box" and its deadly caveats). [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (4206 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 6 novembre 2009

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Rudy Salvagnini
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Rassegna stampa
Peter Travers
David Denby
sulla scia di donnie darko
il libro
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mercoledì 21 luglio 2010
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