
Un film di Paul Dano. Con Jake Gyllenhaal, Carey Mulligan, Ed Oxenbould, Zoe Margaret Colletti.
Titolo originale Wildlife. Drammatico, durata 104 min. - USA 2018. MYMONETRO Wildlife * * * - - valutazione media: 3,29 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Instax of Wildlife Valutazione 3 stelle su cinque

di CineFoglio

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sabato 9 novembre 2019

A family drama based on an indisposed triangle of characters in an ordinary American family – an introspective young-man, an emancipated and attractive housewife, a proud and selfish old-fashioned husband.
This is the first movie directed and written by Paul Dano – actor well-known for starring in Okja (2017), Youth (2015), 12 Years a Slave (2013), There Will Be Blood (2007), Little Miss Sunshine (2006). We appreciate his effort to present a complex and mature plot about coming-on-age processes and transformation of the traditional nuclear family.
The film displays the British actress Carey Mulligan as Jeanette, sensual and sensible mother. Ed Oxenbould stars the young Joe whose point of view leads the spectators through the story. Jake Gyllenhaal plays Jerry, the elder of Brinson’s family.
The year is 1960, the place is Great Falls in Montana where Jeanette and Jerry moved to with their young son Joe to start a new life. 
After a while, the '3-J' family faced the first big problem when Jerry was fired from the golf Club. 
Jerry could not accept apologies from his previous chief because of his proud, falling down into a spiral of frustration and lies in an attempt to find another job.
The research ends when he left the town with a group of men in order to face an arrestable fire coming from the mountains that menace the tranquillity of the valley – a metaphor of the up-coming troubles inside the ‘family house’ leaving back Jeanette and Joe to themselves. 
At the same time, worried about the rental and school finances, Janette started working as a swimming instructor downtown. During the time Jerry was far away, she re-gained her teenage-freedom and voyeurism, showing rodeos outfits and keeping a romantic affair with a local rich man – a motif that brought the family to a radical separation and her moving to Oregon.
The third element is Joe an inquisitive young boy. He is the mirror of his parents and innocent glance, always looking for a compromise to handle the situation and keep together the unstable family – trying to collect fragments too tiny to be allocated again in their right place.
Consequences are inevitable, sometimes, and the only solution is to become stronger, to mature.   
Dano’s Labour is laudable even after a long experience as a professional actor - being on the other side of the camera requires different approaches, experiences and creative work.
The movie is full of appreciable details like the usage of ‘analogue music’ through vintage radio equipment, historical documentaries broadcasted through cathodic televisions: a proper reconstruction of America during the '60s. His attempt is supported by powerful cinematography – warm and melancholy with Janette’s tears, cold and absent in Jerry’s car.
Last family portrait keeps Brinson’s boundaries strong through time.
However, the movie is not perfect and that is okay. A sense of missing is perceived during the whole length of the screening where some characters are deliberately left on their own suggesting the necessity to dig deeper into the emotions that animate them and their complexity.
The picture could appear just like an ordinary family drama surrounded by coming-on-age themes although, it’s visible the general effort to explore on a subtle level the huge complexity of human relations playing under the same roof.  
In the end, Wildlife is indispensable in Paul Dano’s filmography after which we are impatiently looking forward to his future film as director.

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