Oro Verde - C'era una volta in Colombia

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Instax of Birds of Passage (Pájaros de Verano) Valutazione 4 stelle su cinque

di CineFoglio

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sabato 9 novembre 2019

The wild dust of the desert meets the sacred blood of Wayuu people. In the north of Colombia, a quiet and isolated place is suddenly converted in a sloughed scenario of ‘matanza’ - murders and 'violencia' are the tools to gain profits and prestige in a changing society.
However, richness and power are not enough: the pursuit of personal revenge across any duty and family boundaries destroys everything it touches.
The story arch takes place in a ‘little’ world where concepts like death and trust are echoes of a centenary tradition now became meaningless - social transformations narrated through the experience of ignorant puppets dominated by instincts more than thoughts.
Birds of passage is a proper epic+gangster movie picturing shelters of rural huts, God-protected messengers and American pick-ups.
Ciro Guerra, internationally known for ‘El Abrazo de la Serpiente’ (2015) together with his wife and producer, Cristina Gallego, have built an accurate Colombian historical drama – a synthesis between ancestor’s roots, trivial relations and criminal drug ‘Cartel’.
The oppression of the arid desert balances the emptiness of the uncloudy sky, element of freedom and future hope, compressed in a proportion of two-third – past time and future outcome, which the first is fastly dying and the second is too painful to emerge where only blind or covered faces might stand in front of it.


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