X-Men - Dark Phoenix

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X Men: Dark Phoenix is Xcruciating, eXecrable and ineXcusable with its juddering mess of a storyline

di Jamie East The Sun

In its 18 year run, which has brought us a dozen movies, there has been arguably less than half a dozen that can stand up alongside it's Marvel cousins. That's a very poor strike rate indeed. Instead, in the search for a Young Adult shill, we've had a ridiculously mixed reboot of X Men, with such a respected heavyweight cast (McAvoy, Lawrence, Fassbender), it's difficult to surmise why the writing has always been allowed to be so bad. They have never 'nailed' this offshoot series at all, leading to some absolute shambles such as the recent Apocalypse. [...]

di Jamie East, articolo completo (2422 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Sun 7 giugno 2019

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