Midsommar - Il villaggio dei dannati

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Andrew Barker


Whatever you think of the end result, there's always something thrilling about watching a young director who's earned a long line of Hollywood credit decide to spend every last cent of it on a single film. And writer-director Ari Aster has certainly done that with his "Hereditary" follow-up, "Midsommar." Following a group of American grad students on a trip to a mysterious midnight sun festival in Sweden, Aster gives us a slow-burning, boldly-made meditation on grief and the disintegration of a relationship in the loose frame of a folk horror film, yet it struggles to break much new ground beneath its carnival of brightly lit grotesqueries. [...]

di Andrew Barker, articolo completo (4817 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 19 giugno 2019

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