Gone Baby Gone

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Un film di Ben Affleck. Con Casey Affleck, Michelle Monaghan, Morgan Freeman, Ed Harris, John Ashton.
Drammatico, durata 114 min. - USA 2007. - Buena Vista International Italia uscita venerdì 4 aprile 2008. MYMONETRO Gone Baby Gone * * * - - valutazione media: 3,48 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Redemption Hunting

di Charles McGrath The New York Times

ALTHOUGH he hasn’t lived in the area for some 15 years, Ben Affleck is still beloved by the locals here. Bostonians are not used to celebrities, and have apparently not seen “Gigli,” or else don’t care. Almost everywhere Mr. Affleck goes, he gets hugged, high-fived, photographed on cellphone cameras.
Mr. Affleck is similarly fond of his hometown, and shot “Gone Baby Gone,” his directorial debut, for which he also co-wrote the script, there. He also hired many Bostonians — people he plucked off the street or discovered nursing early morning beers in the city’s many bars — not just as extras but for speaking roles. [...]

di Charles McGrath, articolo completo (11929 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 14 ottobre 2007

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Critics Choice Award (2)

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Uscita nelle sale
venerdì 4 aprile 2008
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