

Destructive Upper East Side adolescents run crazy. Director Joel Schumacher provides the flourishes that leave viewers numb

di Robert Abele The Los Angeles Times

Twenty-five years ago, Demi Moore huddled in an empty room with billowing curtains for Joel Schumacher's "St. Elmo's Fire" and an iconic if cheeseball visual cue for spoiled-youth loneliness was born. In "Twelve," the director's latest dive into the indiscretions of adolescent brats, the possibilities are endless: a drug-addled teenage girl's hallucination that her stuffed bears are talking to her, a broodingly handsome drug dealer's mopey timeout in a street-construction hole or maybe that hair-trigger rich kid in the police interrogation room breaking down on a phone call from absent Daddy. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (3553 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 6 agosto 2010

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