That Evening Sun

Un film di Scott Teems. Con Hal Holbrook, Dixie Carter, Barry Corbin, Ray McKinnon, Walton Goggins.
Drammatico, durata 110 min. - USA 2009.

Hal Holbrook shines in 'Sun'

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

It's hard to believe, but Hal Holbrook, one of the stage and screen's enduring talents, has never had the solo lead in a feature film. That has been duly rectified with the actor's achingly memorable star performance in the superb "That Evening Sun." Meticulously directed by first-time helmer Scott Teems (who also adapted the fine script from William Gay's short story), the film involves 80-year-old Abner Meecham (Holbrook), a Tennessee widower and retirement home escapee who returns to live in his longtime farmhouse only to discover his lawyer son, Paul (Walton Goggins), has rented it out to local redneck deadbeat Lonzo Choat (Raymond McKinnon), Choat's dutiful wife, Ludie (Carrie Preston), and their amiable teenage daughter, Pamela (Mia Wasikowska). [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (1593 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 20 novembre 2009

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Stephen Holden
Gary Goldstein
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