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Un film di Matt Aselton. Con Zooey Deschanel, Edward Asner, Matt Walton, Daniel Stewart Sherman, Jerry Richardson, Leven Rambin.
Titolo originale Gigantic. Commedia, durata 99 min. - USA 2008.

Gary Goldstein

The Los Angeles Times

It's a bit heavy on the metaphors, a few fun supporting players prematurely vanish and there are tonal issues (what's with the homeless assassin?), but the offbeat comedy "Gigantic" remains quite the confident juggling act. First-time feature director Matt Aselton, who co-wrote the darkly funny, well-observed script with Adam Nagata, has crafted a disarming tale that's one of the better independent films in recent memory. [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (1433 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 17 aprile 2009

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Gary Goldstein
Stephen Holden
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