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Un film di Matt Aselton. Con Zooey Deschanel, Edward Asner, Matt Walton, Daniel Stewart Sherman, Jerry Richardson, Leven Rambin.
Titolo originale Gigantic. Commedia, durata 99 min. - USA 2008.

The Swagger of Fathers, the Drift of Children

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

The white lab rats shown struggling for survival in a fish tank in the opening scene of Matt Aselton’s debut film, “Gigantic,” are more than metaphors for the timid, flailing characters in this serious comedy about the children of privilege. Their presence also suggests Mr. Aselton’s approach to the world, which he examines with the evenhanded curiosity of a scientist studying a species under stress.
I use the term comedy advisedly, since the mood of this cautiously surreal, absurdist movie is predominantly glum. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (3630 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 3 April 2009

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Gary Goldstein
Stephen Holden
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