Nessun amore è più grande - La condizione umana I

Un film di Masaki Kobayashi. Con Tatsuya Nakadai, Michiyo Aratama, Ineko Arima, Chikage Awashima, Keiji Sada.
Titolo originale Ningen no jôken I. Drammatico, b/n durata 208 min. - Giappone 1960.

Cry the High-Minded Hero in Brutal Japanese-Occupied Manchuria

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

In keeping with the grandeur of its title, “The Human Condition,” adapted by Masaki Kobayashi from Jumpei Gomikawa’s six-volume novel, is anything but modest in scope and ambition. First released in Japan, in three parts, between 1959 and 1961, the film is a sprawling, crowded 10-hour epic of love, war, heroism and cruelty. Shot in a wide-screen format called Grandscope and set mainly in Manchuria during the Japanese occupation, it seems intent on leaving nothing out. Mountains, forest, marshlands; marriage, combat, hard labor; the call of duty and the obligations of conscience — that over-reaching title turns out to be a pretty fair description of what’s on screen. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (5666 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 18 Luglio 2008

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