Cerco il mio amore

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Un film di Mark Sandrich. Con Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Alice Brady, Edward Everett Horton, Erik Rhodes.
Titolo originale The Gay Divorcee. Musicale, b/n durata 107 min. - USA 1934.

They Seem to Find the Happiness They Seek

di Alastair Macaulay The New York Times

WHEN people fall in love, they opt for an experience that others have had before. Very often that’s what they have in mind: they would like to share some of what happened to Romeo and Juliet, or Lizzy and Darcy or maybe just their parents. One of those archetypes of romance was born 75 years ago, with the release of “The Gay Divorcee,” starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.
The cinema has had many classic couples: several, in fact, in 1934, the year of “It Happened One Night,” “Twentieth Century” and “The Thin Man. [...]

di Alastair Macaulay, articolo completo (11708 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 16 agosto 2009

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Alastair Macaulay
Premio Oscar (9)

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