Ted Bundy - Fascino Criminale

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Zac Efron's killer charm can't save this misguided Ted Bundy biopic

di Robbie Collin The daily Telegraph

Spare a thought this week for Lily Collins, who after smooching with JRR Tolkien for a couple of hours has fallen directly into the arms of the 1970s serial murderer Ted Bundy. In her second film released this week, the 30-year-old actress plays Elizabeth Kloepfer, Bundy's lover of six years, in this lively if abysmally named dramatisation of his arrest, various trials and escapes, and then imprisonment. (The title, which prospective viewers haven't a hope of getting right, comes from the judge's closing statement at Bundy's sentencing in July 1979. [...]

di Robbie Collin, articolo completo (3784 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The daily Telegraph 2 maggio 2019

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