Ted Bundy - Fascino Criminale

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Zac Efron shocks as Ted Bundy

di Benjamin Lee The Guardian

In terms of tantalising Sundance prospects, the idea of watching Zac Efron play Ted Bundy has charmed its way to the top, morbid curiosity attaching itself to what screams of flashy stunt casting. The ex-Disney heartthrob graduated from the High School Musical franchise to a spotty adult career, showing comic skills in two sharp Neighbors films but struggling to make dross like We Are Your Friends, Baywatch or Dirty Grandpa feel remotely necessary. His decision to play one of America's most notorious and sadistic serial killers in Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (named after a courtroom description of Bundy) is a carefully considered turning point, a gruesome gambit aimed at showing hidden depths underneath his Ken doll exterior and a textbook move for an actor whose work has been so closely associated with his appearance. [...]

di Benjamin Lee, articolo completo (4260 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Guardian 27 gennaio 2019

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